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Holistic Sacred Sensual Tantric Massage


This affirming full body massage incorporates Therapeutic and Sensual Tantric techniques.It encourages you to become more self aware, and in touch with your core humanity, gradually enabling you to let go of negative energy and conditioning influences.


The Massage has a respectful sensual dimension that is arousing, blissfully pleasurable, profoundly relaxing and spiritually awakening, while promoting positive self esteem and a sense of well being.This ancient eastern massage is a unique experience in its own right, and is not to be confused with sexuality its for all men .


This is a liberating journey of healing discovery and pride in your humanity.Fit athletic reliable well experienced male masseur invites you told enjoy the Full body massage with hot oils, Trained in 7 different massages.

Unique Classic real tantric & Lingham genital worship Indian Techniques Sensual, Healing, holistic, awakening, blissful. just released stress and get deep relaxation in a sensual manner.


Appointment mobile only text or call saj mobile 07551321545



Routines could be changed according to your needs.


competitive price  start from , one hour,one and half hour(90) and 2 hours sessions.


Please contact with full confidence In/out. Available 7 days a week, including weekends from morning to night EDINBURGH City center eh12 5jz

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